Becoming a Solutions Architect

The professional path of a Software Solutions Architect I’ve been working in software for more than 12 years now. I’ve been doing help desk stuff, database management, IT work, networking, low-level and high-level programming, hacking and penetration testing and everything in between. All these experiences and upportunities that I have had, helped me becoming me more well-rounded engineer which is a cruitial attribute to have if one wantes to embark on the mission to becoming an architect, specially a Solutions Architect....

July 14, 2024 · 7 min · Kia Raad


It’s customary to write a Hello World! app when one starts to familiarize oneself with a new language / framework. So I’ll start my journy with the same approach in the most famous esolang, AKA brainfuck. -[------->+<]>+++.-[--->++++<]>+.[--->+<]>---.[---->+<]>+++.---[->++++<]>.------------.---.--[--->+<]>-.[->+++<]>++.++++++++++.+++.--------..++.+++++.-------.-[--->+<]>--.[->+++<]>++.+++.++.++.+++++.>++++++++++..[->+++<]>+.--[-->+++<]>.[--->++<]>++.--[-->+++++<]>.-----[-->+++<]>.--------. Oh BTW, you can find the output here.

January 3, 2020 · 1 min · Kia Raad